Cyclone disaster preparedness is the true key to surviving the indomitable rage of a cyclone. Read on and find out more about the things you need to do before, during, and after this mortifying phenomenon!
Disaster Preparedness | Survive The Violent Vortex
We cannot prevent a natural catastrophe such as earthquakes or cyclones from happening but we can always do something to escape its unmerciful effects. And the only solution is preparation. Cyclone disaster preparedness is what will save us from this life-and-death situation. It is our stronghold against the whirling fist of mother nature. With that being said, below are some tips you can easily do before, during, and after a cyclone.
Before The Cyclone | Disaster Preparedness Tip
Before this natural phenomenon unleashes its wrath, preparation is a must. Arm yourself with accurate information, comply with official advisories concerning their evacuation plan and prepare the things that will absolutely save your life.
Below are some suggestions you might want to consider doing or packing to before a cyclone:
- Create a disaster preparedness plan and designate the responsibilities to each household member
- Ensure the condition of your roof, eaves and walls are “A-Okay” and your windows have metal screens or shutters
- Trim trees and branches near your house
- Prepare your cyclone survival kit which includes: canned food, water, first aid kit, flashlights, portable stove, waterproof matches, clothing, knife, multi-tool and spare batteries
- Prepare the needed stockpile
- Bring your outdoor movables such as backyard furniture inside your house and clear your property of any material that can be blown off by strong winds and cause damage or injuries
- Stay vigilant and heed official advisories
During The Cyclone | Disaster Preparedness Tip
If a cyclone is fast approaching and there's still no official evacuation advisory yet, stay inside your house until the cyclone is over or if your local government notifies you that it is safe to leave your location.
Check out the suggestions below of what to do in a cyclone's fury:
- Keep calm and stay inside the strongest part of the house
- Shut down all electricity, water, gas and unplug every appliance
- Be on the look out for the eye of the cyclone. Never assume the cyclone is over because violent winds will continue and don't leave your house until there's an official announcement that it is safe to go out
- When the building or the house starts to break up, go under a sturdy table or shelter, find solid fixture and hold onto it. Protect yourself with blankets and rugs
- If you are driving, stop the car in a safe place and stay away from trees and electric power lines
After the Cyclone | Disaster Preparedness Tip
After a cyclone is over, we still need to take some necessary precautions to ensure we are totally out of harm's way. We can never be too complacent about our safety and put our lives in a dire situation.
Follow these tips below:
- Don't go outdoors or leave your house unless there's an official advisory that it is safe
- Stay tuned for updates and heed official warnings and information
- Do not walk or drive through floods, and be aware of uprooted trees and damaged power lines
- Inspect your house for damages like gas leaks and don't use appliances if they are wet
- Check if there's an injured household member and administer first aid immediately
Check out this video for more reliable information on how to survive a weather phenomenon!
With our weather's unpredictable behavior, disaster preparedness against nature's ruthless act should not be an option, it should be a must especially if you're living within cyclone or hurricane-prone areas. Be knowledgeable and coordinate with your local government before an imminent cyclone. A relaxing utopia can instantly be covered in rubbles and ruins overnight so we should always stay vigilant and prepared to survive a tragic circumstance.
Penny for your thoughts? Tell us what you think about these tips by dropping your two cents in the comments below!
Now that you are aware of these natural disaster preparedness tips, it's time to learn what should be included in your emergency preparedness list for hurricane survival!
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Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on February 21, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.