Unlimited Ammo Special Report Helping Gun Owners Preserve Ammunition

Reloading Spent Bullets Can Have a Huge Impact in the Wake of Gun Laws

Unlimited Ammo is the newest Special Report from Survival Life, and it is guiding gun owners in one of the most practical and noteworthy ways to recycle and reuse bullets.

Unlimited Ammo Special Report Helping Gun Owners Preserve Ammunition

Inspired by Survival Life Managing Editor ‘Above Average’ Joe’s experience with an ammunition shortage, the Unlimited Ammo report will take readers through the step-by-step directions involved in reloading bullets and customizing them to fit a specific firearm.

As a result, gun owners can become more in tune with their weapons and strategically stylize their bullets to work perfectly for their needs.

This new article from the Associated Press, published on NPR.org, shared news of the latest developments in Connecticut, where the Sandy Hook Elementary tragedy spurred the latest round of debates.

“With an announcement of sweeping proposals to curb gun violence, Connecticut lawmakers said they are hoping to send a message to Congress and other state legislators across the country: A bipartisan agreement on gun control is possible,” said the article.

ETS Speed Loader for Glock 42 Ruger LCP SW Bodyguard Magazines...
  • This Loader works with magazine caliber .380 ACP for Glock 42, Ruger LCP, Smith and Wesson Shield EZ and Bodyguard, Keltec P3AT, Kimber 380, Kahr...
  • This Loader does NOT work with magazine caliber .380 ACP for SIG 365, Bersa Thunder 380 and Plus, Bersa Firestorm, Ruger LC380 and Security-380,...
  • Preserves Magazine Integrity - With the Loader, you don't have to worry about damaging the feed lips of your magazines. It's designed to self-center...

Connecticut’s Legislative leaders will vote on measures Wednesday, which are expected to be passed.

“The package also creates what lawmakers said is the nation's first statewide dangerous weapon offender registry, creates a new “ammunition eligibility certificate,” imposes immediate universal background checks for all firearms sales, and extends the state's assault weapons ban to 100 new types of firearms and requires that a weapon have only one of several features in order to be banned,” the article said.

It’s reasons like these that ammunition reloading has grown in popularity, and the Unlimited Ammo Special Report can help reduce the dependency on ammo supplies and the increasingly strict regulations on what gun owners can and can’t purchase.

Reloaded bullets don’t require “ammunition eligibility certificates.”

The Special Report from Survival Life represents hours of research and analysis, and was constructed with the help of experienced survivalists and firearm owners educated in the field. All the information needed to get a full understanding of how to reload bullets is boiled down to a 30-minute read, giving people the chance to get setup with truly unlimited ammunition in as little as an afternoon.

ETS Speed Loader for Glock XD XDM and 1911 Magazines .45 ACP
  • This Loader works with magazines caliber .45ACP for Glock 21, 30, 36, Springfield Armory XD and XD(M), FN Herstal FNX-45, HK USP 45, RUGER SR45, S&W...
  • This Loader does not work with SIG 320 .45ACP and SIG 227 .45ACP
  • Preserves Magazine Integrity - With the Loader, you don't have to worry about damaging the feed lips of your magazines. It's designed to self-center...

Unlimited Ammo shares valuable safety tactics as well, showing folks how to test and check reloaded bullets so every pull of the trigger is free from danger.

As the country moves further away from the freedoms of the Second Amendment, gun owners face an unprecedented threat to their rights and security. Unlimited Ammo shares details on a perfectly legal and constructive loophole that works around the restrictions that continue rolling out of lawmaking authorities.

Learn how to prepare for any ammunition changes by accessing the Special Report from Survival Life. There’s no better source for seriously Unlimited Ammo.

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Caldwell Universal Pistol Loader with Adjustable Magazine Setting...
  • SPECS: Accepts 9 millimeter, 10 millimeter, .357 Sig, .40 S&W and .45 caliber ammunition
  • VERSATILITY: Works with many different calibers and with double stack extended, large single stack, large double stack, small double stack and compact...
  • EASE OF USE: Numbered, adjustable side shims allow for easy magazine fitting, a tightening knob on the bag ensures no movement of the mag and...

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on April 4, 2013, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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Unlimited Ammo Special Report Helping Gun Owners Preserve Ammunition

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