John Wick's New Medina Holster, With Video Of Keanu Training

medina holster

My good friend Aaron Cohen from Cherrie's Apparel reached out to me yesterday to ask if I saw his new video. Reluctantly, I said that I hadn't, and asked which video he was talking about. In disbelief that I have not yet partaken in viewing his viral video of training John Wick star Keanu Reeves, he forwarded me the link to the video.
For your viewing pleasures, here is John Wick 2 star, Keanu Reeves being trained by Aaron in how to deploy a handgun from a new to market holster, that represents a Zero Print on your clothing:

After talking with the former Israeli Special Forces dude, Aaron Cohen, on the phone yesterday for more than 20 minutes, I can say that this holster is indeed different. Instead of your ordinary IWB or OWB holsters that are visible in some fashion, this one sits BWB, or below the waist band.
Therefore, the print is eradicated completely, allowing for the possibility of deep concealment. Of course, I haven't gotten my hands on one just yet, but I have asked for Aaron to send me one, and he said he would. In the meantime, if you wanted to check them out, here is another video detailing the holster used in Keanu's training, and a link to the holster's page itself:
The only downsides I can see, are that any new holster design generally takes some extra practice, especially if you need to push up on the muzzle to draw as is required in this case. But, the trade off of being able to deeply conceal in a safe manner is worth the extra training. Secondly, there aren't a lot of gun models currently being offered. Then again, most people do own at least one Glock. I'm just not most people because I'm not a bandwagon jumper.
What do you think about the holster? Is it something you'd try out? Let us know in the comments. Then, make sure you sign up for Gun Carrier's FREE Newsletter to make sure you don't miss out on anything we've got going on.

3 Responses to :
John Wick's New Medina Holster, With Video Of Keanu Training

  1. sid says:

    looks worth a try: for s&w M&P .40 compact or colt officer’s.

  2. lightning546 says:

    It looks nice, but finding one for my EDC pistol is getting very difficult since most manufacturers I’ve checked with focus mainly on Glocks and don’t make weapon specific IWB holsters for my H&K 45T (it has the longest barrel available @ 5.2″ and tritium sights) or my backup pistol which is an SARK2P 9mm.

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