Don’t Miss These Posts On Gun Carrier…

October 6, 2018 / Comments (3)

Weekly Recap

1. Best Survival Weapons Air Guns

Claiming that air guns are the best survival weapons may seem crazy. I know many of you must be thinking, “How in the world could a children’s toy possibly be a good survival weapon? There’s no way these low-powered guns could be of any use in a survival situation.” And you would be right. Toy guns certainly wouldn’t do you much good once the SHTF. But there are plenty of air gun models which aren’t anything close to being a low-powered toy… Click to read more

2. Mastering the Glock Trigger

master the glock trigger Feature
These are some of the things that will make a huge difference for Glock shooters in terms of running the gun and using the Glock trigger: the Glock trigger feel, trigger press, trigger reset, and finger positions. The nice thing about Glocks is that there is a tactile and audio queue to let you know that your finger has come far enough off the trigger to let it reset… Click to read more

3. Gun Recommendations For Persons With Disabilities

gun recommendations feature
Here’s a decent list of gun recommendations for our differently abled brothers and sisters. Everyone, especially those who are an easy target for abuse, has the right to protect themselves from those who mean them harm. Since not all human beings behave and think as humans should, a lot of us are forced to use deadly weapons to protect ourselves from danger. A gun is the only means for a disabled person to have a fighting chance against a charging attacker– all the more reason for them to be given the opportunity to carry a firearm for defense. Evildoers shouldn’t be given the luxury to take advantage of the defenseless, so let’s talk about some gun recommendations to even the scales for them… Click to read more

4. In The Aftermath of the Florida School Shooting

School Shooting feature
The opponents of the Second Amendment are out in full force, using the blood of innocents as cover for their anti-gun agenda… Click to read more

5. Concealed Carry Methods for Women

Concealed Carry Methods Feature
This is Part 2 of “Concealed Carry Methods for Women.” In Part 1 of “Concealed Carry Methods for Women,” we covered on-the-body methods of concealed carry. This portion will cover off-the-body options… Click to read more

What have you done this week? Let us know in the comments below.


Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on Nov 18, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

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