Pocket 9mm Reviews: : M&P Shield, Khar Arms PM9, & Glock 43

Pocket 9mm Reviews

Episode 1: Three (3) Pocket 9mm Reviews

In our debut episode, Amy Jane compares three pocket 9mm handguns: the M&P Shield, Khar Arms PM9, and the Glock 43. She compares them side by side and then takes 'em to the range to shoot and really see the differences. 

  • It is arguably one of the most-desired handguns on the market, but is the M&P really what you're looking for?
  • Can the PM9 overcome many initial impressions that heavily criticized its hard rack?
  • Has Glock redeemed itself with the 43 after the disappointing 42?
  • Also, here's a little bonus teaser for the upcoming show as well…Yeah, we're teasers.

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Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on July 15, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

4 Responses to :
Pocket 9mm Reviews: : M&P Shield, Khar Arms PM9, & Glock 43

  1. Tom Rowles says:

    That Amy Jane is something else. I’ve been filming with her for 3 months. She is a strong woman with an incredible shot. Incredibly accurate shooter. Blows my mind.

  2. Jay Wilson says:

    Taran Butler needs to keep his finger off the triger. What is his problem with gun safety?

  3. Jay Wilson says:

    Taran Butler needs to keep his finger off the triger. What is his problem with gun safety?

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