Tactical Pen Do's and Don'ts
The Secret to Wielding The World's Most Versatile Weapon
Thinking about buying a tactical pen? What are you waiting for?
We're big fans of tactical pens at Survival Life; in fact, we even sell our own tactical pen capable of dropping a 280lb attacker like a sack of potatoes!
But just like with any weapon, great power comes with great responsibility — and tactical pens are no different. While it can be a versatile and effective weapon in the right hand, there are some common mistakes you need to avoid. Here are the do's and don'ts of wielding a tac pen.
- Keep it easily accessible
- Make use of all its functions
- Use the double tap method
- Use it as your only weapon
- Think you can use a normal pen in the same way as a tac pen
These are just a few of the things you need to keep in mind when wielding a tac pen. Read the full article below to learn more.
Survival Skills: The Do's and Don'ts of Wielding a Tactical Pen
Want to learn more? Check out these related articles from our website:
- The 7 Best Tactical Pens for Your Dollar
- Tactical Pens: Mightier Than the Sword?
- 23 Survival Knife Brands You Can Trust
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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on February 3, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
What is the easiest pen to use, that will drop people lack a sack of potatoes?
What pen breaks glass?
What pen do you recommend for a 69 year old who walks the mean streets of Philadelphia-
Vietnam ,army vet- no longer wishes to carry a knife – too much trouble ;when you defend yourself in phila’s , court system –
Thank you: Dennis: I am still not dead yet!
Got some new info. Thank for sharing.
Great Post. Thank you for sharing.