When you first enter the survival community, you hear a great deal about bugging out, but for most people in most survival scenarios, bugging in makes more sense. Bugging in is the process of fortifying your home and having all the needed resources on hand to survive long term. With most SHTF situations, staying home makes much more sense than packing up and heading into the unknown. You must be prepared for this to work.
Bugging In | Fortifying Your Home Before SHTF
Have a Plan
The most important aspect of bugging in is to have a plan to secure your location. Rarely do people live on high alert in a secure location 365 days a year. That means that when SHTF, there will be work to do. You need to figure out what your priorities are and be sure that everybody in your household knows what to do. In addition, you need to practice this drill on a regular basis to ensure everybody is ready to go for bugging in.

One of the biggest priorities with bugging in is keeping your home secure. There is the possibility of looters or other intruders breaking in, so you need to develop several layers of protection for your home. The first layer of security is the perimeter of your property. For us, this is a barbed wire fence extending around all four sides. Next is your on-property security. This can consist of dogs, cameras, motion detectors, and even armed patrols.
Next is your outer house security. This is your door locks, bars on Windows, and a home security system. Finally, you want a security plan for inside your home. This consists of having a choke point between you and the intruders and having weapons on hand to defend that choke point. With these levels of security in place, it is unlikely that anybody will be able to get to you and your family.
In order to bug in successfully, you will need a good supply of preserved foods to survive. Plan on working without electricity, so frozen foods are out. Canned goods can last for a while, but are not ideal. Your best bet is to have dried goods available to last several months. This includes jerky, hardtack, pemmican, and other salted and dried or dehydrated goods. Dried pasta is good to have, and all grains and beans are ideal if they are kept away from insects. MRE’s are alright, but they are expensive for long-term survival.
Supplying water to your home can be an issue if the pumps that move the water are shut down. We are fortunate to have both a well on the property and a pond for water. Rainwater collection systems are a good way to keep a steady supply of fresh water. In addition, you should have the tools needed to purify water if you are forced to venture out looking for it. With a good filter, boiling, or iodine tablets you can purify water from any stream or pond you find. Be sure you know how to find water around your home, for you can only last three days without it.
If you happen to be dealing with a cold climate, you will need a way to stay warm. Fire is always an option, but you risk burning the house down and risk carbon monoxide poisoning. You should have several different tools to start a fire with you, including lighters and Ferro rods. In addition, a good supply of blankets can make a huge difference. The best options are wool blankets and emergency blankets. Wool can keep you warm even when wet, and emergency blankets reflect 90% of your body heat back to you.
Watch this video by Reality Survival & Prepping and find out the 25 things you want to avoid when bugging in:
Just put in mind that there are certain scenarios where the need for bugging in has lesser risks compared to bugging out. As you make these preparations you need to know those possible situations and anticipate then plan for it. It's best to be prepared than not being prepared at all. This is a good bug in prepper list to get you started!
Have you tried making preparation for bugging in before SHTF? Let us know in the comments section below!
Up Next: Bugging In | Why Staying Put Might Be Your Best Bet For Survival

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on September 7, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
No way would I ever consider a tall barbed wire fence around the property. May as well post signs saying “good stuff in here!” I have more natural barriers…blackberry bushes are terrific for this, as are Japanese roses. I have them under the windows, too.NOBODY is going through those bushes, and the blackberries are even good on my cereal in the morning. Don’t ever make your place look like it’s worth looting. The two German shepherds make a good deterrent and an unbeatable alarm system (and they know better than to get into those bushes, too).
I am a novice prepper. And I thought the same thing when I read the article. I will continue with “natural barriers”. Thank you for sharing your suggestions.
Prickly pear and other cactus work well too. Make blackberry bushes look like awalk in the park though the fruit is not near as good.
Some states such as Colorado have enacted laws outlawing rainwater harvest. Thankfully Texas has swung the other direction, making it easier to put the systems in.
Barbed wire is great. Where I live, barb wire is as common as a cities sidewalk. It is everywhere. The other item that was not mentioned was sanitation. Do your research on what to do with poo. Germs have killed more people than bullets. Germs are sensitive to pH, moisture and Oxygen. Change those and you can slow down the germs.
have 120 gallons of rainwater, filters for drinking it and several hundred pounds of freeze dried survival food and canned meats and packaged sterile water, first aid stuff, all kinds of ammunition, solar power for refrigeration, fire wood for cooking and a loud mouth dog. we good, thanks…