10 Deadly Solar Power Weapons

Solar Powered Weapons

When most people think of solar power, they imagine bright sunlight, clean air, and all of those warm, fuzzy feelings you get at the prospect of renewable energy.

Others imagine ways to harness all of that radiating solar power for wreaking havoc and other general destructive purposes.

Obviously, the creators of these weapons fall into the second category. And they went way beyond magnifying glasses and ants.

The massive amount of energy that is produced by the sun can be captured and converted into devastatingly destructive weaponry in surprisingly diverse ways.

10 Deadly Solar Powered Weapons

1. Greek Heat Ray:

2. Zephyr Drone

Read all about this drone's record-breaking flight abilities here.

3. GREENS – The Army's use of solar for troops on the ground.

4. Death Lasers

5. Space Mirrors

6. Nazi Sun Gun

Read more about the Nazi's proposed strategies to harness the sun to burn entire cities!

7. Cold War Microwave


8. Eric Jacqmain's Solar Death Ray

9. Solex Agitator

10. Solar Landmines and Nukes

Like DIY Solar Power Projects? Check out these related posts:

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on April 7, 2014, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

One Response to :
10 Deadly Solar Power Weapons

  1. Victor j lima says:

    They may be the most powerful weapon to men kind and not to people like myself human being machine learning and those are major factors but if I said one WEAPON AS ACROSS T?? HE WORLD GIVING EVERYONE AT ONES CANCER? That is a serious weapon if you ask me? And as we both know how it’s done hurricanes SUNAMY turneros as I can CREATE AS WHATEVER YOU CAN AS 100 PERCENT MORE POWERFUL THAN WHATEVER YOU ARE ABLE TO!!!

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