Situational Awareness: Your Lifeline in Uncertain Environments
“What you are aware of, you are in control of; what you are not aware of is in control of you.” ~ Anthony de Mello
What Is Situational Awareness?
During one memorable adventure hiking through the backcountry of Yellowstone, I was acutely aware of my surroundings. For those who have traversed this stunning landscape, you know it is raw, untamed, and can also be perilous. Just days before heading out, I consulted with one of the foremost experts on grizzly bears to sharpen my understanding of what lay ahead. Armed with that knowledge, I embarked on my journey, fully conscious that I was entering the food chain—and not as the apex predator.
While many hikers rely on bells as a safety measure in bear territory, let me share a little secret: forget the bells! Bears are smarter than that. To them, the sound of a bell signals a delicious opportunity—a human with a backpack full of treats. Truly, some hikers even drop their packs as a diversion—something bears have learned to exploit.

So, as I made my way along the trail, I found myself getting a bit too relaxed and focused on my thoughts. That was until an instinctive feeling pulled me back to reality. I looked up, and right to the left—there they were—a grazing buffalo herd! Had I not snapped back into awareness, I might have walked directly into trouble. Buffalo can be unpredictable, and a charging buffalo can be just as dangerous as a grizzly bear.
This experience taught me a vital lesson: maintaining situational awareness (SA) can prevent potentially deadly encounters. SA is a skill that allows us to attentively notice our surroundings and effectively respond to threats. When you develop your SA skills, you enhance your ability to deal with unexpected situations with greater clarity.
Developing the SA Muscle
Much like pilots who adeptly manage multiple tasks and complex situations in-flight, we must cultivate our own SA abilities. While we all possess a basic level of situational awareness, regular practice refines these innate skills and ultimately enables us to take control of our personal security. However, our modern world often presents distractions that hinder this development.
The cacophony of noise, the allure of smartphone screens, and our daily routines all serve to dull our senses. We find ourselves glued to our screens, distracted by earbuds, and disengaged from the vibrant world around us.

Situational Awareness Blockers
- Noise
- Cell Phones
- Laptops/Tablets
- Boredom
- Daydreaming
- Routine
To effectively increase our situational awareness, we must train our senses to achieve a practical state of alertness without edges of paranoia. Our bodies aren’t structured for constant high alert. Finding a balanced state allows us to focus on daily life while being prepared to activate a higher alert level when necessary.
Situational Awareness Tools
- Evolve Your Intuition
- Be Observant
- Stay Present
- Self-Understand
- Practice SA Exercises
Evolve Your Intuition
“Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.” ~ Jonas Salk
Intuition is instinctual. It’s the prickling feeling in your gut, the warning that urges you to be cautious. For instance, I once found myself in Limassol, Cyprus, when that gut feeling kicked in one night. After enjoying dinner at a local dive, a car pulled up beside me in the dimly lit street. The driver’s smile masked intentions that soon made me uneasy as our conversation progressed. As my situational awareness heightened, I recognized the signs of danger and executed an escape, only to later discover through local news that a tourist had been seriously assaulted and robbed under similar circumstances.
Be Observant
“To acquire knowledge, one must study; but to acquire wisdom, one must observe.” ~ Marilyn Vos Savant
Enhancing your situational awareness involves being observant. Make it a habit to:
- Notice people's hands and clothing
- Observe facial expressions and body language
- Identify exits and entrances
- Be alert to anything that appears out of place
Whether shopping, getting in your car, or walking down the street—remain vigilantly aware every step of the way.
Know Yourself
“Know your enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.” ~ Sun Tzu
Understanding your own character and emotional responses will strengthen your situational awareness. Work on improving any weaknesses you discover along the way. Engage in exercises to increase your awareness with games that challenge your hearing and sight:
- Practice listening to distinct sounds in your environment.
- Identify reflective surfaces to identify people behind you.
- Observe the people around you and guess their stories based on visual clues.
Make Situational Awareness Part of Your Lifestyle
No matter where life takes you—whether wilderness or urban jungle—situational awareness is a vital skill to cultivate. Implementing these practices doesn’t have to be tedious; turn them into a game with family and friends. In our rapidly changing world, a simple game could safeguard you and your loved ones.
“Human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.” ~ Gabriel García Márquez
Recommended Reading
- Warrior Mindset by Dr. Michael Asken
- Facing Violence: Preparing for the Unexpected by Rory Miller
- The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker
- Prepare for Anything: 338 Essential Skills by Tim MacWelch
Check out these related articles:
- The Psychology of Survival – Why Your Mind Matters Most
- Do You Know These 25 Native American Survival Skills?
- 32 Survival Skills to Teach Your Kids
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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on Jul 21, 2014, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
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Great article and use of SA applied to everyday life. I try to do this with my children and they have picked up on what I’ve been telling them. Thanks for sharing this article!
Thanks Gabe. Yes, I also share and teach my daughter about everyday SA and how a simple trip to the store can be a valuable learning tool. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Have a great day!
Thank you. I have never put a label on what you describe. I have lived with this for over 60 years. I have taught many including my daughter just what you have included. Results?
My daughter had to go to a specialist, the only specialist for a particular medical issue, in our town. As I have taught, I went along as an advocate. The doc talked about surgery and wanted to include another part of the body as well, stating that part was also in need of coming out. We knew surgery might be needed, so we were open.
Now, I didn’t teach ‘stranger danger’ nor ban her from going certain places or people, I taught and we often ‘played’ the SA exercise about what does that person tell you about him/herself?
So as we left the doc’s office, by the time we reached the car, she was talking about how uneasy she was around the doc. I had also felt similarly and told her so. She then chose to get a second opinion. That was a few months ago and she’s had to go to another city to see another specialist. In the meantime, we’ve learned of a few other people who have gone to this clinic for surgery and are now having problems because of things gone wrong during surgery. Was this our SA working? I believe so just as much as your buffalo story or the car ride you almost took. SA works now just as in an emergency so thanks for informing people of this. There are many who have been given this as a gift, many others need to be taught and it is possible to learn this.
Nicely written. Soon after I got interested in self defense and crime prevention, I learned about awareness. It is actually a pretty deep subject, but one that is, as you say, SO important. In fact, for most people a well honed sense of awareness will probably save them from the majority of bad things that might happen to them in life. I also found it interesting how long it took to get to a stage where my awareness was mostly an unconscious or subconscious skill. I mean it took more than a year of practice whenever I was out in public. But it was so worth it! The few times I have been sized up by an undesirable type, I couldn’t believe how OBVIOUS they were being! Perhaps it was just that I was switched on to the signals they were giving off? Anyway, great topic. Lots to think about. Thanks! Evan