Your right to possess a gun in Washington State will be suspended if you have a conviction for a felony crime. A conviction for a misdemeanor involving domestic violence will also take away your right to possess a gun.
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Gun Rights In Washington State
The right to possess a gun and the process for restoring the right to possess a gun, in Washington State is often misunderstood. In Washington State, a person's civil rights are restored after all sentence conditions are satisfied and probation ends.
For a felony conviction, civil rights are restored when a document called a Certificate of Discharge is filed with the court. However, this does not restore the right to possess a gun or any type of firearm. The right to possess a firearm is separate and must be specifically restored by a court.
Similarly, having a criminal conviction expunged does not restore the right to possess a gun. In fact, when a court expunges a criminal conviction the Order specifically states the right to possess a firearm is not restored.
In Washington State, there are 5 steps, or criteria, that must be satisfied to restore your right to possess a gun.
1. To be eligible to restore your right to possess a firearm, you cannot have any criminal charges pending against you. This means if you are currently charged with any crime in a court in Washington State, a federal court, or a court in any other state, you are ineligible to have your right to possess a gun restored.
2. The required amount of time has passed.
Your right to possess a firearm can be restored in Washington State if at least five consecutive years have passed without being convicted of any crime. The five-year period applies if the conviction that suspended your right to possess a firearm was a class B or class C felony. If you were convicted of a misdemeanor that suspended your right to possess a gun, then three years must pass before you can have your right restored.
3. You were not convicted of a crime that permanently prohibits you from possessing a firearm.
Convictions for certain crimes take away your right to possess a gun permanently. In Washington State, if you were convicted of a class A felony (most serious), you cannot have your firearm possession right restored.
Additionally, if you were convicted of a crime in another state or in federal court that would constitute a class A felony in Washington State, or which has a maximum sentence of twenty years or longer, Washington State law does not permit your gun rights to be restored.
The last category is sex crimes. If you have a conviction for an offense classified as a sex crime under Washington law, then a Washington State court will not restore your right to possess a gun or other firearm.
4. There is no court order currently in force that prohibits you from possessing a firearm.
Conviction of a crime is not the only means by which your right to possess a gun in Washington State can be taken away. Some criminal court orders, and certain civil court orders such as a domestic violence protection order, will prohibit possessing a gun.
5. You have never been involuntarily committed to a mental health facility for treatment.
If you were ever committed to a mental health facility without your consent, then you are not eligible to have your right to possess a firearm restored in Washington State.
As you can see, you can have your right to possess a gun restored in Washington State if you meet the criteria. In most cases, these 5 steps take only a few weeks to complete.
Douglas Stratemeyer is an expert on expungement law and restoring firearm possession rights in Washington State. Doug has been a lawyer since 1992 and is a former part-time judge, who helps people expunge Washington State criminal convictions, clear criminal records, expunge juvenile criminal records, and restore firearm possession rights.
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Support the right. to carry a musket – that’s all the constitution protects!!!!!
Ignorance from an ignorant person. SMH
Great point. No way did the founding father’s expect ak47s and ar15s etc. They are not for hunting as the would tear apart the meat of a dear or elk, so the only thing they are good for is killing people. To continue to support killing people is just sick.
I always go hunting with a 30 round clip to make sure… LOL😂
do you think people hunt deer with a shotgun. should everything you dont like or agree with be band ? i have nothing against you i just disagree. so if there was something that killed 50.000 people every year should it be outlawed. if you think that way get rid of your car. look it up how about baseball bats according to the FBI its the most commonly used murder weapon, please respond
Daniel Boone, Daniel Boone what a dream was a doer was he. With his coon skin cap on the top of his head and the heal of his rawhide shoe…
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If u can’t get by with a handgun semi auto, shotty AND bolt action or 10 rnd mag semi auto long gun then you just need to practice and git gud kids. Who really needs an ar or ak except to fire at a Nevada range for fun?
I was convicted of a drug offense in the 1980’s in Washington State where I was born and raised m. I have lived in Arizona for 27 years. I am 67 old & an honorably discharged Navy veteran. I have been a member of the American Legion and served in several appointed officer positions since 2006.I am a lifetime of Disabled American Veterans (DAV), and a member of Paralyzed Veterans of America, Arizona Chapter since suffering a spinal injury in 2021.
I would like to know what the process is to set my felony aside and restore my gun rights through the court system in Washington State. Since becoming disabled I’ve had to rely on a limited income, and I’m willing to do whatever I to help (with your direction) to research or obtain information etc if that’s possible in order to help mitigate the overall costs, if you are able to allow me to do so. I have been a productive member of society and have not had any other legal charges that would impact my ability to have the court realize that I am trustworthy.
Thank you for your time and help.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Terry Lane