HOSTAGE RESCUE: One American Killed In Iraq Operation

October 22, 2013 / Comments (2)


BREAKING NEWS: One American was tragically killed in a recent hostage rescue in Iraq. Read the story below.

location of recent hostage rescue in Iraq

A map showing the location of the recent hostage rescue in Iraq where one American lost his life.

An American was killed in an operation involving the U.S. military to rescue dozens of Kurdish hostages in Iraq overnight, two U.S. officials told CNN on condition of anonymity Thursday.

Seventy hostages were liberated in the operation, which involved U.S. special operations troops as well as Kurdishand Iraqi forces, U.S. officials said.

The operation took place in Hawija in northern Iraq's Kirkuk province, one U.S. source said.

Further details about the situation, including the identities of the hostages and hostage-takers, weren't immediately available.

The operation came more than a month after Kurdish security forces said the Islamist militant group ISIS kidnapped dozens of men near Hawija. It wasn't immediately clear whether the overnight rescue was related to this early September kidnapping.


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