How To Make A Homemade Flamethrower In Your Garage

flamethrower-action-operational-test | How To Make A Homemade Flamethrower In Your Garage | Featured

This particular homemade flamethrower is crafted to be as small as possible, which keeps your hands and arms free to throw flames while you use it! With an air compressor, a diesel nozzle, a fuel tank, some hose, and some fittings, you'll have a flamethrower capable of running off of tiki torch fuel.

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Homemade Flamethrower Tutorial

Step 1: Air Compressor

Start with an air compressor. You'll want to remove the regulator of the machine and fill in the space left behind with a brass plug.

blue pump compressor washing cars indoor homemade flamethrower SS
Step 2: Tap a Hole

Tap a hole in the bottom of the compressor to add fittings.

Step 3: Set Fitting

coiled hose coupler homemade flamethrower SS
The fittings should be properly connected and make sure that there will be no leaks coming out.

Step 4: Run Hose From Valve

Run a hose from the valve and fit the end with an internal check valve.

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Step 5: Connect Valve to Diesel

Connect the internal check valve to a diesel nozzle.

black plastic cap aluminum gas tank homemade flamethrower SS
Step 6: Remove Spout and Add Pipe For Fuel

Remove the spout and add a pipe running down to a tip and hose as pictured. The tip and hose will run the fuel for your flame.

Step 7: Tap Hose To Tank

Run a hose with a nozzle to a fuel tank tapped with a valve and fitting like this. Fill up your tank with tiki torch fuel!

pneumatic hose rubber air pumps on homemade flamethrower SS

Add a valve along the hose to better regulate your fuel.

Step 8: Adjust and Test

Spark up and start throwing flames!

flamethrower action operational test homemade flamethrower SS
You can adjust with the nozzles on the hose. The whole rigging will fit neatly into a backpack.

Watch this video from King Of Random for other DIY ways of creating a flamethrower:

Always remember to use this homemade flamethrower with extreme caution. This is not a toy but a piece of very dangerous equipment and should be kept away from kids at all times.

Do you have other ways of creating your own flamethrower? Share it with us in the comment section below!

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on May 23, 2018, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.

8 Responses to :
How To Make A Homemade Flamethrower In Your Garage

  1. JL brown Jr says:

    I wish ever6one would put the parts list on the page, trying to watch the video to get the parts list for those of us that can’t hardly hear.
    If someone has a list I would appericate it

  2. Donald Sammis says:

    Incredibaly crude. The concept is valid, but most DIY guys would make a much neater and safe and reliable package with more suitable hardware. Granted you have to use what you got, but this Rube Goldberg collection is pretty crude

  3. Michael Gilfilian says:

    looks like an easy way to have some fun then have a meeting with the ATF and a federal prosecuter, but I suppose if you say you’re related to the Clintons it shouldn’t be a problem

    1. ham_bone says:

      Dumb butt, Flamer throwers dont fall under ATF ruling, and are legal in all states except California and Maryland.

  4. No bushcraft says:

    Am I the only one that noticed that the hodgepodge of random parts in the the step-by-step is totally different than the clean very polished version in the video? Especially when in the beginning of the post it says, “Here we have the step by step instructions, but you can find the full video instructions at the bottom of this post.” which the video is NOTHING like the step by step. It uses a pressure washer hose/gun, and a scuba tank not a plugged air compressor tank and some random fittings. Just my 2c

  5. Could you make one of these with a garden sprayer?

  6. Pyro says:

    Pressurizing it with co2 would be a lot safer.

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