When you find yourself in the middle of a military disaster, what should you do? Read on to find out!
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What to Do When a Military Disaster Strikes
Causes of Military Disaster
Other reasons for a military disaster can be due to worst military decisions, an unexpected push by an opposing army leading to an advantage, bad weather, a new military equipment failure, and bad planning.
Even history's famous battles and worst American military defeats have their own share of failures.
Whatever the cause, the one most affected by such blows are the civilians in the area. You can hope for a military victory, but either way, the situation will likely be difficult afterward.
Here are a few tips which might just help you make it out with your limbs still attached.
1. Be Ready
The anticipation of a possible war can be days or even months ahead. The news and the people in your community will be buzzing about any possible turmoil. It is best to be ready just in case it does come your way.
2. Make Your Own Bug-Out Bag
In the event the SHTF, you will have to get out of the area as soon as possible. As a civilian, you wouldn’t want you and your family to be in the crossfire.
Be ready to grab your bug-out bag or survival kit at a moment’s notice and leave. Sheltering-in-place may not be a good option at all.
Your house can't withstand a blast from a tank or a rocket-propelled grenade.
3. Prepare Your Bug-Out Vehicle
The bigger it is, the better it will be for you and your loved ones. You will need a lot of supplies, and it should also be able to handle off-road travels in case main roads become unavailable.
If it can hold a few weapons, the better it would be for you.
4. Be Armed to Defend
Equip yourself and other able-bodied family members who are trained to hold and fire a gun.
Sometimes, the enemy might just be at your doorstep, and oftentimes, they don’t see you as a civilian but a possible threat.
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5. Plan Your Exit Route Evacuation Shelter
You must fan out your exit point from the house to the shortest one out of the area as your primary route.
If there are so many people trying to get out, make sure you have two or three more options.
6. Head for a Military Designated
This will place you in the green zone where everything is considered safe even for civilians. Also, it will be surrounded by enough military personnel in case the enemy will be heading your way.
7. Prepare a Bug Out Location
The possibility of an evacuation shelter being full of other evacuees is high. This is why you should have a possible bug-out location as another option.
It should be right outside your state at the most remote place possible. It should have prepared food stockpile and water supplies which should last at least a year.
Don’t forget to stock up also on ammo.
Watch this video of the top 10 military mishaps posted by WatchMojo.com:
Your government may extend relief goods and all but if worse comes to worst it may take days or even months before they do so.
Considering their main priority will be to face an advancing enemy from occupying your area.
If you come prepared for such adversity, you and your family might just have the peace of mind you all need.
Do you have more military disaster survival tips you want to add? Please do include them in the comments section below!
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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on April 25, 2017, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
Thanks for the emphasis on speed. I’ve had two jobs where speed at leaving work was critical. The same would apply in a disaster.
One let me off at five p.m. on the edge of downtown Dallas. If I punched my card as soon as the time clicked over, rushed to my car, and took a shortcut to the freeway home, I’d move along at the speed limit. Delay more than a minute or two and all those who were getting off at five turned the freeway into bumper to bumper.
The other in metro Seattle was even more tense. I got off work at 3:30 and had to cross all of Redmond on a freeway to reach the bridge to Seattle. With the slightest delay, the traffic would choke up at the entrance to the bridge where three lanes turned into two. I not only had to leave quickly, I had to drive fast.
Emergencies can create rush hour conditions. If your gear is ready to go and your route planned you can beat the rush. Even a few minutes delay could, in a crisis, make hours of difference in your travel time or even effect whether you get there at all.
Think quickly too. Watch the route ahead. If traffic seems to be choking up, consider exiting and finding an alternative. Again, being quick matters. The first to shift to an alternate will do well. Those later will find themselves choked up yet again.
Also, get involved in emergency work, so you can be informed. Do that in Seattle and you’ll discover that when a major quake hits, the state patrol will halt traffic on all the major bridges until architects certify them safe. You may get across if you’re quick. If not, be prepared with alternatives. In Seattle, I’m not sure what they might. All northbound traffic from downtown has to cross the Montlake Cut. Your only hope might be to have a bike and see if passenger and bike traffic is being allowed across the smaller bridges. That or swim. It is not that wide.
Also, keep in mind that you need to be prepared wherever you might be. That may mean a bug-out bag at work, at home and in your car.
Communications with family members also matters, since it might be best if everyone can leave from where they are rather than joining up first. Cellular phone may be choked. Text messages might work, but that still depends on the cellular system being up. VHF/UHF ham radios are a good option. If you can talk directly, set up a frequency to do so. If you’ll need to use a repeater, know the rules. In an emergency, certain repeaters may be designated for special purposes. Find out if one is left open for personal traffic and use it.
Whatever, plan well enough in advance that everyone in your family knows what the others will be doing. If the kids need to be picked up from school, settle who does that.
–Mike Perry, WA4MP