Survivalism: A Necessity


December 15, 2015 / Comments (0)


For some of us, it isn’t until we are faced with an unfortunate event (a natural disaster for example) that we realize that we have to suddenly learn, sometimes in the matter of seconds, how we are going to survive.

In recent years, with survival TV shows and books being so popular, more and more people are being taught the basics of survival.

Perhaps for a camping trip, a hike in the woods, learning how to live off grid, or how to survive a natural disaster. In my opinion, having survival knowledge BEFORE it becomes necessary is the key.

How To Survival in Emergency Situation?

Always be prepared for ANY survival situation as if it could happen at any moment, especially with natural disasters.

In a matter of minutes (sometimes seconds) your life can be turned upside down leaving you wondering what to do next.

survivalThe first step is planning ahead before any of these events can take place. Ask yourself,  “What would I or my family do in the case of a fire, a flood, a tornado, a hurricane, or an earthquake?

What would each of us grab on the way out to safety? What’s the best exit route in our home?” Plan a family meeting every month to discuss details of what your family will do in case of an emergency.

Click here to learn more about disaster preparedness.

For myself and my family, there are two things each of us would grab on our way out to safety: Our individual well stocked bug out bags and something I like to call a “memory box” for each person in the family to grab on the way out the door in the matter of seconds.

A memory box should be a small to medium plastic tote with a lid (preferably with a handle). It’s a container that will carry your most prized possessions: family photographs, your grandmother’s jewelry, family documents, or anything else you deem valuable and could never be replaced.  

 Also, talk to your children about the importance of this container. Have them put their most treasured items in their own memory boxes.

In my opinion, this is just as important as a bug out bag for these items are part of who you are.. Here is an example of what a memory box should look like:


Next, your bug out bag. What’s a bug out bag? It is a portable kit (usually inside of a backpack) that contains items that a person would require to survive for 72 hours when evacuating from a natural disaster. Here is an example:


Note: if you have small children, pack their bug out bags with the basics: clothing, blankets, snacks etc. This way they can carry their own bag. You can put any other necessary items for them (like medications for example) in your bug out bag.

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Natural disasters can come without much warning so always have a plan. Discuss the plan as a family. Always be prepared!!


Want more survival tips? Check out these related articles:

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Editor’s Note: This post was originally published on December 15, 2015, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.


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