Commentary: This is a great excerpt from Dr. Bones book Doom and Bloom, In it he goes over how to store fish antibiotics and their ability to treat human ailments. If you are interested in more of Dr.Bones writings, by all means be sure and get his book Doom and Bloom
Last month I wrote about the use of veterinary antibiotics for human use during a catastrophic collapse situation. This is something we hope will never happen, of course, but that does not mean we need to keep our head in the sand either. I received a lot of emails following this particular post and I was asked a lot of questions that I, personally, could not answer. As I said then, I am not a health care professional nor am I especially qualified on all things health related. On the other hand, I do believe in medical self-care and […]
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Gone Fishing
Fish Like A Redneck | 26 Wacky Fishing Tips
5 Unconventional Fishing Techniques
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I am a new prepper, But I am having a rather serious problem..My granddaughter, her husband and 3 little boys live with me. I pay the house payment and utilities and they buy the groceries. I have been reading a lot about getting ready for a crisis, which I believe is coming sooner than I would like to admit. I have tried to get my family to start prepping now before it’s too late but they think I am over reacting and reading the wrong things on the internet. I’ve sent them links to read for themselves on the subject and they still refuse to see the value in preparing for anything. How can I get them to understand. Whats more is I can not afford to stock pile food and other necessities without their help..I worry about being faced with an emergency and not being prepared…any advise ? thank you