VIDEO: Open Hand Against Stick Attack – Self Defense Tactics

dont be a victim

In past episodes of this series, we've taught you the best tactics to use against an attack with a knife or gun, and how to best defend yourself from these weapons in various situations. But what if your attacker uses a blunt object? Today Jeremy will be teaching you a tactic to defend yourself in such a situation: an open hand against stick attack! When done correctly, this technique is effective 75% of the time.
Throughout the series, we’ll present you with original training techniques from coach Jeremy Pollack from Inner Warrior Coaching, who will cover knife defense, how to disarm a gun from a gunman, and how to use random items such as a belt or stick to defend yourself, and more. Take hold of Coach Jeremy’s 20+ years as a Martial Arts instructor, and Don’t be a Victim! You can always find the ongoing series playlist here.

Episode 9 – Defend Yourself Against A Knife Attack With A Stick

There's a 25% chance of any self defense failing. Coach Jeremy teaches you the most practical defense that will succeed 75% of the time you are attacked by a person with a blunt object.
Learn these vital self-defense and offense techniques by watching the ninth episode of our new defense training series.
This is Coach Jeremy Pollack from Inner Warrior Coaching. Watch how he masterfully teaches you about proper knife disarming techniques.

As always, the full self-defense course series of ‘Don't Be a Victim' can be FOUND HERE.

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