Wilson Combat Paul Howe Tactical Carbine | Gun Carrier Rifle Reviews

wilson combat paul howe tactical carbine feature

August 10, 2015 / Comments (3)

Guns & Ammo Reviews

Wilson Combat Paul Howe Tactical Carbine is a rifle associated with a renowned tactical expert. Paul Howe made his bones on the battlefield building a reputation whose opinion strongly matters in the AR subject.

Wilson Combat Paul Howe Tactical Carbine Combat Rifle

The Wilson Combat Paul Howe Tactical Carbine is an all-around tactical rifle and the company's collaboration with one of the most experienced combat veterans today. If you've watched the movie “Black Hawk Down”, Paul Howe was one of the survivors of that epic battle when US marines were cornered in Mogadishu. As a dedicated soldier who participated in numerous military special operations, Howe is more than qualified to speak about what a real tactical rifle is. This firearm is built for combat and absolutely reliable in the field.

Gun Specs

Gun Specs | Wilson Combat Paul Howe Tactical Carbine | Gun Carrier Rifle Reviews

image via Wilson Combat

This semi-automatic rifle has a barrel length of 14.7 inches (16.1 inches with permanently attached flash suppressor). It shoots a 5.56mm caliber with a maximum magazine capacity of 30 rounds. It also features a Daniel Defense fixed front sight, a super-stock, and a camo armor-tuff finish. This rifle's overall weight is 7.5 pounds.

Ease of Use and Performance

Ease of Use and Performance | Wilson Combat Paul Howe Tactical Carbine | Gun Carrier Rifle Reviews

Image via Tactical Life

I had a couple of days in the range testing what this rifle is capable of and it did not disappoint. At a distance of 100 yards, this Wilson Combat proved to be pretty accurate for a tactical rifle. Increasing the distance to 150 yards seems to have no negative effects on the accuracy. It has great stability and the stock is perfect. I noticed it had a lot to do with the ease in the shooting. I had zero problems doing quick follow up shots with the 4.5-pound trigger pull and the gun just performed seamlessly.

Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons | Wilson Combat Paul Howe Tactical Carbine | Gun Carrier Rifle Reviews

Image via Tactical Life

The Accu-Tac flash suppressor attached at the tip of the barrel almost completely negates the flicker when firing. The handguard is a Tactical Rail Interface Modular which is lightweight and hard coat anodized. Attached to the top rail is a Daniel Defense front sight known for its durability and designed for the rugged nature of combat life. I also like the idea of having an enlarged trigger guard with the Tactical Trigger Unit. This is most helpful for military men who wear gloves in the field. It does look badass with the camo finish, but it would also be cool if made available in classic black AR-15.

Overall Verdict and Price

At around $2600, Wilson Combat made certain the price agrees with what this rifle has to offer. Looking at the rifle is one thing and shooting it is another. It's strong, reliable, and exactly what a tactical firearm is all about. I couldn't wait for another opportunity to shoot this gun in the range.
Watch this video demo of the Wilson Combat Paul Howe Tactical Carbine:

I actually thought it was a brilliant move for Wilson Combat to advertise one of their products with a known real veteran in weapons and tactics. Apart from the business aspect of it all, it's clear how this rifle is built with the aid of an expert. Paul Howe knows what it takes for a rifle to be complete and effective in the line of fire as he has proven countless times in his career.
What can you say about the Wilson Combat Paul Howe Tactical Carbine? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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Editor’s Note – This post was originally published in August 2015 and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
Featured Image Via – weaponevolution

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