A WWII Weekend To Remember, Complete With An A10 Traveling Back In Time

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I had the pleasure of attending the WWII weekend this past Saturday. I've gone for the past 3 years, and it's always a good time filled with guns, planes, trucks, cars, and even plenty of people dressed up in character representing different military units from various countries, the president, generals and even just civilians. I bring my little boy with me, because I feel as though it is a great experience and just one of the ways to share the past with him.
This year was really hot, and we ended up leaving early because they wouldn't allow us to go back to where our water and sunscreen was. My son was overheating, and I couldn't risk him getting ill. We were there for 3-4 hours, however, and had the chance to see lots of good stuff.
There was even an unscheduled appearance by one of the most recognizable fighter jets of all time. I tell ya, there's nothing quite like waking up to the sound of BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT in the morning:


An A10 buzzes the audience, giving many of us a show we've never before seen.

There were also plenty of old-time guns in the mix, as well as some that you can still see in service today. There were plenty of Lee Enfields, Mausers, M2s, 1919s, grease guns, Tommy guns and some that I didn't even recognize. Here are some pictures of the guns from that weekend:



Which ones do you recognize? I believe I see Enfield and Mauser in the large group, along with what looks like a grease gun off to the side.

grease gun

Grease Gun in a truck!


Recognize any of these?

m2 2

Mamma Deuce!


Get some!


Not Sure what this one is. Any ideas?


I'm pretty sure this is a 1919.

1917 Browning

And, I think this is a 1917 Browning, water cooled get some machine!

Lots of planes and military vehicles were in attendance, as well, to include Jeeps, tanks, half-tracks and as many propeller powered planes as you can imagine:

Old Jeep with USMC stencils.

tinker bell

The Tinker Belle


More of The Tinker Belle

WW2 plane

p-40 Warhawk

p-40 plane

P-40 Warhawk


Part of the parade




A replica of FDR's car.

I urge you to get out to an event like the WWII Weekend in your area, if there ever are any. You never know what you might see, or learn. There are battles and skirmishes that take place, machine guns rattling off blanks, flame throwers, the Flag Raising at Iwo Jima, planes flying around, and a lot of other cool stuff to see.
Sound Off Gun Carriers! Have you ever gone to an event like this? Let us know in the comments below, and make sure you sign up for Gun Carrier's FREE Newsletter so you never miss a beat.

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