Big Bore Revolvers: Why? Because Murica!

Bigger is better. Well, not in the world of concealed carry. But, say you were in the middle of the woods and happened upon an angry momma bear who wanted to protect her cubs – how would you react? I can tell you that playing dead doesn't do the trick. And neither does running.
So what's a guy (or gal) to do?
Well, if you left your bear spray at home, but just happened to have a big bore revolver, you might just walk away from this one.
But what if you haven't gotten to that point yet, and just happen to have an extra $1500 just sitting around begging to be spent? If you're planning a trip to bear country, it pays to be prepared for just about anything. A big bore revolver may just fit that bill:

  • The first revolver on this list is chambered in the hard hitting .454 Casull round. This particular hand cannon (dubbed the BFR – which stands for Big Frame Revolver and not what you're thinking) is made by Magnum Research.This baby shoots a projectile big enough to take out a bear; just make sure you can hit the broad side of a barn with it first by practicing whenever you can. Unfortunately, this cartridge is slightly on the expensive side, though totally worth it and a blast to shoot. This may not be a good option if you're going on a hike because barrel lengths start a 6.5 inches and go up from there.
  • Taking a small step up, Smith & Wesson makes an exquisite short barreled .460. The XVR is optioned out to have many different barrel lengths, and can even have a bi-pod mounted to it if you choose the longest one. Ya know, just in case you feel like hunting bigfoot. The .460 caliber projectile is large and deadly with a tremendous amount of recoil.Practicing with this gun is a must because if you don't have a firm grip before you squeeze the trigger, you could go from about to defend yourself against momma bear to knocking yourself out with your gun in two seconds flat. Thus, making her job a heck of a lot easier. This is likely the most versatile revolver on this tiny list because it is available with a barrel as short as 3.5 inches, but goes all the way up to 14.5 inches.
  • Finally, you can't go wrong with a .500 S&W magnum when you're looking for the absolute biggest and most devastating round you can lob at a bear. Of course, recoil is no joke. I have heard some say that it's almost like pulling the pin on a grenade, but forgetting to throw it before it goes boom. Both Magnum Research and Smith & Wesson make big bore revolvers chambered in this size projectile.

If you ever find yourself confronted by a bear on her home turf, you'll want to make sure you're as best prepared as possible. That means having bear spray, a big bore revolver and an extra pair of undies – just in case you experience a bad case of spontaneous bowel evacuation.

2 Responses to :
Big Bore Revolvers: Why? Because Murica!

  1. Mikial says:

    I used to carry a Ruger .357 Security Six when deer hunting in Utah. It was nice solid, reassuring weight on my hip when in deep brush.

  2. Jerry says:

    I am an avid big bore shooter, I have all the ones noted.
    The 500 S&W is my favorite shooter.
    The 454 casull is a many killer and will come up on you fast, mines a Freedom Arms.
    I get as much satisfaction reloading the cartridges as I do shooting them.
    I find the 460 probably the most accurate provided you have the correct loads.
    My father passed before his Colt Python came in a long wait list. I saved the money as a 12 year old young man and my mother purchased this for me.
    I thought I was a cowboy and quick Drew it and fired. I still can feel the scar on my scalp from the hammer hitting me in the head.
    I was an avid shooter and responsible at that time but it humbled me and I found a new respect for it.
    Firearms kept me from finding other trouble as a teenager and a reason to work and save.

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